
General Dermatology

The diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail disorders. Our staff includes 3 board certified dermatologists, 3 physician assistants, 1 nurse practitioner.

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Dermatology Associates Clinical Aesthetic Center. 

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MOHS Surgery

Mohs Micrographic Surgery is the most advanced and effective skin cancer treatment procedure available today. As the most exact and precise method of tumor removal, it minimizes the chance of cancer recurrence and lessens the potential for scarring or disfigurement.

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Onsite Histology /
Mohs Laboratory

Dermatology Associates’ onsite laboratory facilities supports our Mohs surgery procedures with well-trained nursing and histotechnological staff. Our onsite lab also supports preparation of biopsy specimens performed in our General Dermatology clinics.

SKIN allergy patch testing

Dermatology Associates offers patch testing for allergy mediated skin conditions. Allergic contact dermatitis and various other types of dermatitis are fairly common itchy skin rashes. Patch testing enables us to specifically identify the causative allergen. Once this allergen is eliminated from contacting the patient’s skin, the rash resolves offering long sought after relief. The patches are placed on the patient’s skin (usually the back) on day one and removed on day three. The final result is read on day five. Allergen elimination is then initiated for allergy positive patients.

Ultra Violet Light Therapy

Dermatology Associates is pleased to offer Ultraviolet Light Therapy with a walk-in light box that provides Narrow Band UVB treatments. This is an integral part of treatment for a variety of skin conditions including psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, and some types of cutaneous lymphoma.

BLU-U® Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy

Field therapy for pre-cancerous lesions (Actinic Keratoses or AK) on the face, scalp, ears, arms, and legs. Treats the whole field of skin, including microscopic foci of precancerous  lesions - not just spot treatment as we normally do with liquid nitrogen therapy. Learn more → 

Acne treatment, using light therapy to treat mild to moderate acne without drugs or antibiotics. Learn more →